Configure Chart Options

Configure Chart Options


Configure Options

General Options

  • Include Internal Dependencies - Will either include or exclude dependencies that are of the same grouping

e.g. If you were grouping issues by Project (under Grouping Options) and toggled off this option, this would exclude dependencies where both issues belonged to the same Project.

  • Include Resolved Dependencies - Will either include or exclude dependencies where either issue has a Status Category of Done (i.e. a green status)

  • Include Issues with No Dependencies - WIll either include or exclude dependencies that have zero dependencies associated with an issue

  • Dark Mode - Toggles the Dark Mode or Light Mode themes of the app

  • Grouping Colour Theme - Determines the themes for the following charts:

    • Dependency Summary

    • Dependency Board

    • Dependency List

    • Dependency Timeline

    • Individual Dependencies

    • Grouped Dependencies

    • Dependency Matrix

    • Dependency Network

    • Dependency Spiderweb

  • Show Mismatched Due Dates - Will display a yellow icon to show issues that have a linkage that is due after the original. For example, if ABC-123 (due Jan 1st) is blocked by DEF-456 (due Feb 1st), then this is considered a mismatch. This will display on the following charts:

    • Dependency Board

    • Dependency List

    • Dependency Spiderweb

  • Show Overdue Issues - WIll display a red icon (but with a !) to show issues that are overdue based on their due date. For example, if ABC-123 is due on Jan 1st, but the current date is Feb 1st, then the issue is considered overdue. This will display on the following charts:

    • Dependency Board

    • Dependency List

    • Dependency Spiderweb

  • Draw Reference Line - Will draw a line highlighting the current date on the Dependency Board chart

  • Group Issues By - Will group the issues together by Project, Epic, Sprint or Fix Version

  • Group Dates By - Will group the ‘due date’ of each dependency by each issue’s Sprint End Date, Fix Version Release Date, Issue Due Date, or the Earliest / Latest of those three options

e.g. If one Project were using Sprints on a Scrum board, but another Project was using Fix Version on a Kanban board, you could use the Earliest Date or Latest Date options to align the dates of both Projects together. Nifty!

  • Periodically Refresh Data - When enabled, a full refresh of the data will be performed in the background after the initial charts are generated

  • Refresh Frequency - Determines how often the data is refreshed

Note: Be mindful that each refresh involves making several API calls, so ensure the refresh frequency is ‘sensible’!

  • Calculate Capacity - If toggled, this will add additional cells to the Dependency Board chart to show the capacity for each grouping (row) and date (column)

  • Capacity Definition - Determines how capacity is calculated. Options are Total Issues, Story Points, Original Time Estimate, or Remaining Time Estimate


Screenshot of the Dependency Mapper's General Options panel showing multiple configuration settings. The panel contains toggles for internal dependencies, resolved issues, and orphaned issues along with visual preferences such as Dark Mode and colour themes. Additional settings include date handling options for grouping and mismatches, data refresh controls, and capacity calculation preferences. Each option displays helpful explanatory text.
The General Options panel provides comprehensive settings to customise your dependency visualisations, from grouping and filtering options to visual preferences and data refresh settings.



‘Dependency Board’ Options

  • String Colour - Determines the string colour

  • String Thickness - Determines the string thickness

  • Edit Issue Mode - When clicking on an issue on the Dependency Board, this will either enable or disable the ability to dynamically edit the dependencies of an issue in the app itself (disabling this feature will simply load up the issue in a separate tab)

  • Root Cause Colour - Determines the colour of issues with a high ‘root cause’ value when the toggle is enabled on the Dependency Board chart

  • Place ‘Dependency String’ in front of Issues - Will place the ‘string’ either in front of, or behind the issues for the sake of controlling visual noise on the board

  • Place Issues without Due Dates in last column - Will place issues that don’t have an associated date (under Grouping Options) in either the first or last column of the Dependency Board

  • Show Issue Summary on Zoom - Sets the zoom threshold for when the Dependency Board switches between displaying the Summary and the Description of each issue

Screenshot of the Dependency Board Options panel showing customisation settings for the board layout. The panel displays controls for string appearance including colour and thickness along with toggles for issue editing mode and root cause highlighting. Additional options control string placement, date handling, and zoom behaviour for issue details.
Configure the visual styling and interactive features of your Dependency Board through customisable settings for string appearance, issue display, and interaction modes.

‘Dependency Network’ Options

  • Dependency Direction - Determines the arrow direction for issue links (i.e. ‘A blocks B' or 'B is blocked by A’)

Screenshot of the Dependency Network Options panel showing a single setting to control how dependency arrows flow between issues in the network diagram. The panel displays a dropdown to choose between forward and reverse link direction styles.
Configure how dependencies flow through your network diagram by setting the directional relationship between linked issues.

‘Dependency Calendar’ Options

  • Cell Colour - Determines the colour theme for dates with a high value of dependencies

Screenshot of the Dependency Calendar Options panel showing a single setting to control the colour theme used for displaying dates with high dependency counts.
Customise the visual appearance of your Dependency Calendar by adjusting the colour scheme used to highlight dates with concentrated dependencies.

‘Dependency Matrix’ Options

  • Cell Colour - Determines the colour theme for groups with a high value of dependencies

  • Axis Labels - Shows either the group name (e.g. Project Name) or group id (e.g. Project Key) on the X and Y axes

Screenshot of the Dependency Matrix Options panel displaying settings for matrix appearance. The panel shows controls to adjust the colour theme for dependency counts and toggle between group names or IDs for axis labels.
Customise the visual style of your Dependency Matrix by adjusting the colour theme for dependency concentrations and choosing how groups are labelled on each axis.

‘Dependency CFD’ Chart Options

  • CFD Colour - Determines the colour of the Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) chart

  • CFD Delta Increase Colour- Determines the colour of the Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) Delta chart when an increase is observed for that date period

  • CFD Delta Decrease Colour - Determines the colour of the Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) Delta chart when a decrease is observed for that date period

Screenshot of the Dependency CFD Options panel showing colour configuration settings. The panel displays three colour pickers to control the main CFD chart appearance along with separate colours for positive and negative delta changes across time periods.
Customise the appearance of your Cumulative Flow Diagram by setting distinct colours for the main chart and delta variations.

‘Time to Resolve’ Chart Options

  • PDF Colour - Determines the colour of the Probability Density Function (PDF) view on the Time to Resolve charts

  • CDF Colour - Determines the colour of the Cumulative Density Function (CDF) view on the Time to Resolve charts

Screenshot of the Time to Resolve Options panel displaying colour settings for statistical charts. The panel shows two colour pickers to control the appearance of PDF and CDF visualisations in the time-based analysis charts.
Control the visual appearance of your Time to Resolve analytics by setting distinct colours for both probability density and cumulative density function views.

Saved Searches

The Saved Searches section helps you manage your frequently used dependency queries. This page displays all your saved searches alongside their corresponding JQL queries, making it easy to review and organise your common dependency mapping workflows.

You can quickly rename any saved search by clicking its name, which turns it into an editable field. This lets you update search names to better reflect their purpose or match your team's evolving needs. To remove saved searches and return to the default settings, simply click the 'Reset Settings' button.

Screenshot of the Saved Searches section in Settings showing a list of saved search names with their JQL queries. Each search name appears as clickable text that can be edited. A Reset Settings button is visible at the bottom of the panel.
View and manage your saved dependency searches with easy options to rename or reset them.


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